Project #1:Choose Your Own Adventure V.2.0
/// Name: Sean Harrison
/// Period: 7
/// Program name: Choose your own adventure 2
/// File Name:
/// Date Finished: 12/3/2015
import java.util.Scanner;
public class ChooseYourOwnAdventure2
public static void main( String[] args )
Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
String direction, decisionLever, decisionBandit, decisionWater, decisionRope, decisionOnward, decisionTower, decisionRoof, decisionBell;
decisionRoof = "a";
System.out.println( "Welcome to an adventure " );
System.out.println( "You awake up extremely hungover on the wet floor of an abandoned church. Would you like to open the doors to the preacher's chamber or the courtyard outside the chapel. Additionally, there is a ladder leading to a bell tower. into the \"Quarters\" or explore the \"Courtyard\" or venture to the \"Bell Tower\" " );
direction = keyboard.nextLine();
if (direction.equals("Quarters") )
System.out.println( "You enter the priests quarters and see a bloodstained dagger on the floor leading to a dark passageway and another doorway to a backroom. Grabbing the dagger which way do you proceed? (\"Door\" or \"Passage\") " );
if ( direction.equals("Door") )
System.out.println( "You proceed to enter the door, you see a nearby lever do you pull it? (\"Yes\" or \"No\" ) " );
decisionLever = keyboard.nextLine();
if ( decisionLever.equals("Yes") )
System.out.println( "You pull the strange lever and the floor opens up and you fall down a deep pitt to your doom" );
else if ( decisionLever.equals("No") )
System.out.println( "Ignoring the lever, you soon walk forward onto a pressure triggered plate and your're impaled, your adventure is over" );
else if ( direction.equals("Passage") );
System.out.println(" You walk into a long cooridor and see a scantily clothed priest sleeping, do you wake him up or attack him with your dagger? (\"Wake up\" or \"Attack\") " );
decisionBandit = keyboard.nextLine();
if ( decisionBandit.equals("Wake up") )
System.out.println( "You attempt to wake up the preist and you explain to him your predicament, and he offers food and water to and proceeds to lead you out of his church." );
else if ( decisionBandit.equals("Attack") )
System.out.println(" You quickly slit the bandits throat spraying blood everywhere. However, in a panic he pulls out his colt 9mm and unloads the gun into your chest! Looks like you're dead." );
else if (direction.equals("Courtyard") )
System.out.println( "You walk out into the Courtyard, a heavy rain is falling but in the distance you see a shed and a stable with what appears to be a mule. Which point of interest do you pursue? (\"Shed\" or \"Stable\") " );
decisionWater = keyboard.nextLine();
if (decisionWater.equals("Shed") )
System.out.println( "You approach the shed and see that there is a warning that says DO NOT ENTER VIOLATORS WILL BE KILLED Do you enter the shed? the only other option is to attempt to scale the walls of the courtyard. (\"Yes\" or \"No\") " );
decisionRope = keyboard.nextLine();
if (decisionRope.equals("Yes") )
System.out.println( "Around the moment you open the door and take a step inwards, you set off a tripwire which ignites the hydrogen rich air. The ensueing fire painfully chars your corpse as you frantically and unsucessfully attempt to quall it. " );
else if (decisionRope.equals("No") )
System.out.println( "You do not climb the walls, and manage to scrape over the other end and land on the other side. You see your car in the distance and feel acomplished and quite lucky for escaping" );
else if ( decisionWater.equals("Stable") )
System.out.println( "You Walk towards a stable full of horses and mules. You also notice a trapdoor in the Straw, do you mount a horse or venture down the trapdoor? (\"Mount\" or \"Trapdoor\") " );
decisionOnward = keyboard.nextLine();
if (decisionOnward.equals("Mount") )
System.out.println( "The horse is not very friendly and kicks you extremely hard in the knee, snapping it like a twig and leaving you to die in the mud. " );
else if (decisionOnward.equals("Trapdoor") )
System.out.println( "The chamber under the trapdoor is dimly lit, once you enter you realize the trapdoor locked behind you and to your horror you discover a few wolves which soon end you. " );
else if ( direction.equals("Bell Tower") )
System.out.println( "You climb up into the bell tower and notice an offshoot leading to the roof or you could continue towards the top floor of the tower. (\"Roof\" or \"Tower Top\" ) " );
decisionTower = keyboard.nextLine();
if ( decisionTower.equals("Roof") )
System.out.println( "You walk onto the roof and notice a shoddy ladder leading to the ground far below, and an adjacent building you could jump to. Do you scale down the ladder or jump? (\"Ladder\" or \"Jump\") " );
decisionRoof = keyboard.nextLine();
if (decisionRoof.equals("Ladder") )
System.out.println( "The second you transition your weight onto the ladder, it suddenly snaps and you hit the ground with enough force to render your legs broken and you bleed out. " );
else if (decisionRoof.equals("Jump") )
System.out.println( "You jump onto the next building and almost grab the rail, but your hand slips and you fall to the ground breaking your neck killing you instantly. " );
else if (decisionTower.equals("Tower Top") )
System.out.println( "You make your way up to the top of the bell tower and you see a beutiful bell still intact. You could choose to ring this bell and hopefully be rescued or try to build a fire with some of the nearby wood to attract a rescue. Which do you choose? (\"Ring Bell\" or \"Fire\" ) " );
decisionBell = keyboard.nextLine();
if (decisionBell.equals("Ring Bell") )
System.out.println( "You frantically ring the bell as hard as you can and to your surprise a half hour later, a few emergency service vechiles arrive and promptly rescue you " );
else if (decisionBell.equals("Fire") )
System.out.println( "You build a small fire which quickly gets out of hand and consumes the entire roof of the bell tower. As you frantically try to make your way downstairs you slip and fall, and go unconscious as the burning structure crumbles around you" );
Picture of the output